Virtual Event

Portfolio Mentorship

Having a portfolio is vital for not only representing who you are as an artist, but a key way of putting your work in front of art directors or people commissioning work. Working with an experienced illustrator or art director, a portfolio review can help you determine the number of pages you need, which work to include, how to order it so it tells a virtual story, demonstrate character development, drawing subjects in the area you are seeking work in, the right balance of b&w and colour, how to showcase your best skills, what people are looking for and what to avoid.

Mentors can also discuss practical elements such as: sending your pdfs to publishers, reducing pdf files without losing quality, reproducing your work, getting postcards, flyers made, presenting your work professionally.

Please note: This mentorship does not provide detailed edit notes or offer introductions or recommendations to publishers or agents.

How to book

Find three mentors you’re interested in, then click BOOK NOW and enter their names when filling in the form.