Virtual Event

First Ten Pages Mentorship

The first ten pages of your manuscript, for both fiction and non-fiction, are the most crucial. They are vital for hooking the interest of your reader, agent or publisher, but they are also the hardest to get right.

The mentor of your choice will read your synopsis and ten pages closely and then provide a written report or a verbal consultation via phone or Skype.

For fiction they will help you develop the opening, introduce characters, pacing, story set-up and direction with suggestions for further development, and help to determine the core of your story.

For non-fiction the focus will be on the need for a strong opening, creating a distinctive narrative voice, a clear focus on the topic, and an indication of the main premise.

How to book

To apply, select your choice of three participating mentors, complete the submission form and attach your 500-word synopsis and the first ten pages of your manuscript typed in 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced on one side of the page, with page numbers in the bottom right.

For comics / graphic novels: A three or four page outline of your story arc, 10 pages of comics script. Thumbnails / roughs optional.

In your application you will be asked to list the three mentors you would most like to work with, in order of preference. Not all mentors on our register are available for The First Ten Pages, see the ASA’s mentors’ register for details. Once we have received your application and payment we will contact the mentors on your list.

The mentors