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If you want to write a captivating novel your readers can’t put down, you need a strong narrative structure. How do you build tension? What are the elements of writing propulsive action? How do you organise your plot and chapter structure to keep your readers interested?
If you’d like to refine your plot development and learn valuable skills about structure, do not miss this workshop with award-winning author, Jock Serong, who will share the techniques he uses to engage his readers.
Jock will share with you:
Join us for this workshop to understand the structural elements you need to write a novel your readers can’t put down.
There will be time for questions.
A private link of the session recording will be provided to enrolled participants only and available for a limited period of 10 days. Once the viewing period has expired the recording will no longer be available to view.
Handouts and slides will be provided to all registered participants if used in the session.