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Grace Chan on Writing and Publishing Sci-Fi in Australia

Writing compelling and immersive science fiction is a real art; how do you create a futuristic story that is both imaginative and consistent to the reader? In Australia, sci-fi can also be one of the most difficult genres to get traditionally published, so it pays to understand the landscape.

In this masterclass award-winning sci-fi author Grace Chan will share the key to writing absorbing sci-fi and what you need to know about opportunities for getting it published in Australia. 

 Grace will cover:

If you want to learn the craft of science fiction and be inspired by Grace Chan’s publishing success, make sure you join us for this genre masterclass.


A private link of the session recording will be provided to enrolled participants only and available for a limited period of 10 days. Once the viewing period has expired the recording will no longer be available to view. 

Handouts and slides will be provided to all registered participants if used in the session.

About the Presenter